Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back on medications

Venlafaxine Extended Release (XR) pills—Effexo...Image via WikipediaYesterday I went to my doctor's appointment and she is generally displeased about my progress. I think in over a year of seeing her this visit lasted the longest. She even performed a concentration test that consisted of recalling the date, remembering three words and even writing a sentence. She said that I was a bit slow with my answers and seemed to require some thought before answering.

My doctor stated that she, as well as my counselor, have noticed a decline in my mood since being off the medications and that it is imperative that I resume taking them.

The last medication regiment that I was on would cost $100.00 per month in co-pays and I simply could not afford it so I stopped taking them. Since then the cost is all I thought about when considering if I should or should not be taking medications.

Yesterday I managed to think out of the box and asked which two medications would be the minimum that I could get by on. She had the answer quickly. One mood stabilizer, Lithium, and an anti-depressant, Effexor Xr. I knew that Lithium is cheap because it isn't a name brand, so the cost on that would only be $15.00, Effexor is a name brand and would cost $25.00. That sounded reasonable to me.

After the appointment I went to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled and to my surprise the total was only $25.00; I guess the costs' that I remembered were wrong.

I did get used to not taking medications. With Lithium it is important to limit coffee and increase water intake. I do just the opposite, plenty of coffee and little water. I also cannot take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or Naproxen Sodium but only Acetaminophen, of which I do not have.

Even though I will need to make a couple of changes and get used to taking medications regularly it will probably be a good thing.

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Long Beach, California, United States
a wanna be pro blogger that likes to write, but partially lacks the necessary skills to do so with any real finesse.
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Something to ponder

"If homosexuality is really genetic, we may soon be able to tell if a fetus is predisposed to homosexuality, in which case many parents might choose to abort it. Will gay rights activists continue to support abortion rights if this occurs?" ...Dale A. Berryhill, The Assault: Liberalism’s Attack on Religion, Freedom, and Democracy

The homosexual agenda threatens the liberties of others while seeking special protection for themselves, however,

...homosexual behavior is not inborn, involuntary, immutable, or innocuous, nor is it found in the Constitution. There is no compelling, logical basis for treating it as a protected category under civil rights laws, or for granting special protection against “discrimination” based on “sexual orientation.” ...Homosexuality is not a Civil Right